Daily Messages

Daily inspirational messages to support you in creating the life of your dreams! This is an archive of messages appearing on www.dreamcatching.net. Check it out for more inspiration!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Celebrating Miracles

Welcome to June! Each month, on my website www.dreamcatching.net, I choose a new theme to focus on in my own personal life, and our collective journey toward making our dreams--for ourselves and the world--come true. Last month we celebrated CHANGE. I entered May packing boxes, expecting the birth of a friend's baby and watching Nature change through buds on trees and new goslings being born.

As if carefully orchestrated, on the last day of the month, a moving van came and took away our boxes and furniture, a baby boy was born (Congratulations to the Genovesi family!), and Nature moved past fragile beginnings into a New Season.

In my own life, even amidst the chaos of a move, I have experienced many miracles, synchronicities and the details of life falling into place with unexpected beauty. I am forever reminded how if we put our intentions "out there," things often happen better and more magically than we expected. The small stuff really does get taken care of when we're willing to trust, have faith and let Life happen.

This month, we celebrate Miracles--specifically the miracles that come when we have the courage to let go of the past in all its forms, and step bravely into the future. Miracles happen when we're willing to Begin Again.

I wish you a June filled with magical moments, miracles and unexpected surprises. May all you hope for happen, even more marvelously than you believe to be possible.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Celebrating Change

Welcome to May! As I am preparing to move my life and my family from one coast of the country to the other, I am becoming very aware of the art of making transitions.

In addition to what's happening in our home, Nature seems to be echoing my focus on change--how glorious yet sometimes painful it can be to tranform oneself from one form to another. Eggs are hatching, goslings that are now cute yellow babies will be gangling teenage birds by the end of the month, and a close friend is growing in girth as she prepares to birth a new human into the world. Life--what a strange string of transitions it is.

This month, you too might want to think about the transitions you are making in your own life. What is the world around you teaching you about the graceful (and sometimes not so graceful) act of change? Keep your eyes open for miracles. They are on their way!


"This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
Some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
Who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture,
Still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
For some new delight."

-Rumi, 13th century mystic


“Keep on beginning and failing.

Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose--

Not the one you began with perhaps, but one you'll be glad to remember.”

-Anne Sullivan

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Life is But A Dream

"You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true."

-Richard Bach

My dream is that someday, this website and my newsletter Spreading Sunshine will act as powerful agents to spread positive energy and inspiration throughout the world. My dream is that by offering my gifts of writing and insight, I can, as Emerson writes in his essay about success, "know even one life has breathed easier."

My dream is to inspire others throughout the world, especially children, to remain committed to their own uniqueness, to trust that they have unique and important gifts to offer the world and in offering these, the world truly will be a better place. My dream is that in some small or large way, I can trust and follow what I know to be true in my heart--in spite of pressures and external messages to the contrary--and inspire others to do the same.

When we share our dreams for our lives and the world, we set something powerful into action. Like a giant ball of energy growing speed as it rolls downhill, a positive reality is launched into motion. When we birth our dream simply by speaking it, we set it free and it takes on a powerful, positive life of its own.

When we envision, believe and support each other in the knowing that what we yearn for in the deepest place within our souls is vital, we will have a greater impact than any of us can ever know. In dreaming, we are spreading rays of inner light throughout the world.

What is your dream for your life? What is your dream for the world? Claim your vision today.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

March: A Month of Joy

"Scatter joy," wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. As spring approaches in the month of March, that's exactly what I hope to do. Each month, I choose a new theme to focus on in my own personal life, and the collective journey toward making our dreams--for ourselves and the world--come true. As we welcome March, we will be celebrating JOY.

I have noticed how being grateful for everyday blessings and asking myself the question, "What will make me feel more abundant right now?" are two things that are helping me to scatter more joy.

What makes you feel joyful? What will it take to do more of that NOW? Together we ARE making it a bright, new world.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Miracles Within Change

"Please be patient. God isn't finished with me yet."


One of the greatest forms of compassion, I believe, happens when we give ourselves and others the space and permission to change. Today's quote was printed on a glasses case I received at the eye doctor's office when I was a young girl. At the time, with my childlike confidence, I really didn't like the saying. Inherent within the words seemed to be the idea that someone, somewhere thought I wasn't good enough to be a final product!

Now, many years later, I realize that my discomfort with the quote may have been as much its declaration of our ever-changing nature as it was any underlying judgement. Being truly compassionate with ourselves means having the courage to face the truth. We are never finished or perfect! In each moment, cells within our body are dying and being birthed. Life is about letting go of the illusion of finality a little bit everyday, and opening up to the miracles that await within change.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Eyes of Compassion

"We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same."

-Anne Frank

When we look into another's eyes--really look--it's amazing what we can see. Often we see ourselves looking back. What we judge in another is what we dislike in ourselves. But the same can be said for what we celebrate. Everything any of us have ever wanted and gained--be it greatness, peace, health, creative prowess, beauty or deep compassion--is available to us all.

Today, try playing this game. Whenever you pass another person--perhaps in traffic, waiting in line, or your spouse at the end of the day--look deeply in their eyes with compassion. Expect to be delightfully surprised. Imagine that what you see is you. Most likely, it is.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

February A Month of Compassion

Each month, I choose a new theme to focus on in the journey toward making our dreams--for ourselves and the world--come true. As we welcome a new year and the month of February, we will be celebrating COMPASSION.

Last month, we celebrated courage. In many ways, I think making the commitment to being compassionate with ourselves and others--opening to all our limitations with acceptance and love--is one of the most courageous things we can possibly do.

This month, have the courage to be compassionate. Together we ARE making it a bright, new world.

Monday, January 02, 2006

A New Year!

A new year, a clean slate, a brand-spanking new beginning. I love when the universe gives us these group-mind opportunities to dive into a fresh start.

Of course, the truth is we all have this opportunity in every minute--every second of every day gives us an opportunity to put the past behind us, hold our heads high and recreate our future with every, single breath.

As we have arrived at the beginning of a new year, what a great opportunity to once again commit to building lives we love! What a great opportunity to share our unique gifts with the world! What a great moment in time to commit to our role in creating the future--for ourselves as well as the world--our souls are calling us to build!

It's going to be a special year and I am honored to be here at this point in time traveling this amazing journey with you. TODAY is a great opportunity to reflect on what your soul really, really wants. What desire burns so strongly in your heart, it's a light that you can't put out?

What dream is your truest self calling to you to create--for REAL this time? What is your soul telling you it's here to do? Starting TODAY, let's join together and MAKE IT SO!

Happy manifesting and HAPPY NEW YEAR, my friends. I look forward to getting to know you in the new year and celebrating YOU as you live the life of your dreams.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Celebrating January--A Month of COURAGE!

Each month on my website www.dreamcatching.net, I choose a new theme to focus on in the journey toward creating the life of one's dreams. As we welcome a new year and the month of January, we will be celebrating COURAGE.

Join me in making a commitment toward facing your fears and walking through them, following the dreams within your soul and having the courage to do the one thing your soul most wants you to TODAY.

Trust that you have all the answers you need, and all the courage it takes to follow where they lead. Happy January! Happy 2006! Together we have everything we need to make it a bright, new world.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Letting Go of Resistance

Today's daily message is about something near and dear to my heart--resistance. I have found myself at many times in my life feeling as if in a state of struggle.

I look around at my life, scratch my head and wonder, "It's a wonderful life! Why am I struggling? Why am I in pain? Why am I having such a difficult time?"

Usually when this happens to me, I am resisting--resisting something I know to be true for something I think everyone else "thinks" is better! (As if I could know what they think!) Resisting the path that makes me afraid for the way I've always done it before. Resisting what my soul really wants me to do for something I think I "should" do--whether it's for more money, to avoid criticism from others, or simply because it's the way everyone else in my little world has done it.

Ah, resistance! The one thing that when we let it go, opens up the floodgates to opportunity, personal power and CHANGE!!!

Dare I say it? Yes, I think I will. Here on this website, with the internet and anyone who cares to check in as my witness, I state to the world--"I AM READY TO LET GO OF RESISTANCE!!!"

Okay. So now there's part two of this month's theme. Gratitude. Am I grateful for resistance? I guess. It's kept me feeling safe all this time, albeit a bit bored! It's kept my life pretty much status quo, which can be comforting. It's kept my friends' opinions of me pretty much status quo too. In other words, I haven't had to deal with the changing opinions of the world as I have changed. Nice payoffs, really. So, yes I'm grateful.

And, I'm ready to let go. Bye-bye, resistance. Thanks for stopping. Now, I'm ready to FLY!

What are you ready to let go of? Join me! Do it TODAY!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Grateful For Life's Choices

My husband and I have recently been making lots of decisions lately—more than usual, it seems. Some of the decisions we’re making are big life ones, some are little decisions like what to buy for Christmas. Then there are vacation decisions, money decisions…the list goes on and on. ‘Tis the season of life choices!

Some choices we make in life affect our lives for years to come. Others may really not seem that important in the grand scheme of things. But whether the choice we are making is a BIG one or not so big, we often go through the decision process in a similar way.

When making choices, I sometimes act as if there’s a “right” answer and if I think hard enough, I can solve the puzzle. Perhaps this perspective is a throw-back from my days in school when every question on a test, you either got right or wrong.

As we focus on letting go, something I’d like to let go of is the perspective of looking through the world (and more specifically my own life) through a lens of black and white. The older I become, the more I realize there really is no right or wrong, just different experiences depending on which paths we choose. I believe it’s important to tune in and listen to what our souls want us to do AND it’s also important to realize in this wonderful adventure we call life, our choices aren’t so much about wrong or right, but simply giving ourselves different conditions with which to have fun.

In celebration of this month’s theme, I am grateful for the many tests I’ve passed thanks to looking at life as if there is a “right” and “wrong” AND I am now ready to no longer rule my life based on this perspective but rather accept that life is a rainbow of experiences—What a true gift that is!

When we stop judging our choices the way a teacher would but instead allow ourselves to be grateful and start having fun with the infinite opportunities life offers us, the world seems to soften. Openings are created. We start enjoying the process of choosing rather being so focused on the result of our decisions.

Today I am grateful for all the risks I’ve taken that have turned out okay, and all the opportunities that keep coming my way!

How do you make decisions? What is your soul saying “yes” to? What are you grateful for?

What would make your life more colorful? Choose it. Today!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

What Is Your Best Today?

There have been many times in my life when I’ve looked back over something I’ve done or said and whispered to myself, “Boy! If I were to do it all over again…!” I have also been known to judge others in my life (upon occasion! ) for things they have done or said too.

One of the presuppositions of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP, a process for changing your life by accessing your unconscious mind that is modeled in many different creative visualization and life coaching practices) is “everyone is always doing his or her best.” What presupposition means in this case is something we assume about ourselves, others and clients at all times.

Our best changes minute to minute, hour by hour. Some days I’m really “on,” my writing is sharp, my insights inspiring. Other days, my synapses don’t feel like they’re quite connecting. My fingers fumble on the keys looking for words, typos are abundant. And that’s just when it comes to writing!

I know when I first gave birth to my son and was struggling with the worst sleep deprivation I had ever experienced, postpartum hormones raging, to say nothing of the experience of getting used to being a mother for the first time, my best on all fronts of my life was very different than it may have been at another time. I learned humility that year. I also learned to be gentle with myself.

In celebration of our theme this month, I am grateful for the gifts assuming my best was a constant has given me—a sense of control in an a world that is absolutely not in my control, to name just one—AND I now choose to accept the view that in each moment, everyone—including me!—is always doing their BEST (a bright big changeable BEST in a bright, big changeable world).

Today I am grateful for simple pleasures, happy memories, and the realization that we are creating a new past for tomorrow Today.

What are you ready to change in your life? What gifts have you gained from the past? What are you grateful for? Ask yourself Today.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

No More Looking Over Our "Should"ers

True confessions--I love People Magazine. In the most recent issue, I was inspired by an article about Rachael Ray, bestselling author and chef with top shows on the Food Network. In the article, Ray said about her show, "I've never watched it, and I never will...If I do, I'm going to become self-conscious and start to care too much about what my hair looks like."

Part of doing our work in the world is doing it--and not looking back. While worrying about what others think is natural, we can only be in one place at a time. When we're looking over our "should"er, we're not in the here and now--creating the new.

One positive gift evaluating myself (often critically) has given me has been the perspective from which I like to believe I have improved my art (whatever that has been at the time). In celebration of December's theme, however, I am grateful for this gift AND I welcome the speed with which my life will move forward once I let go of my concern for what others think (as best I can) and instead focus on simply doing my thing!

Today I am grateful for beautiful sunbeams, warm cocoa, hot baths, simple conversation and the many different opportunities, perspectives and achievements I have been fortunate enough to experience in my life. I am also grateful that I am always, always learning.

What are you ready to let go of in your life? What gifts have you gained from your past? What are you grateful for Today?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Welcoming The Rhythm

Today is one of those glorious days where everything happens just "right." We awoke this morning to discover our lawn filled with fresh-fallen snow. I shortened my morning "getting ready" routine to make time for playing in the snow with my husband and son.

Then it was off to teach meditation. Due to the weather, only one person showed, someone with whom I've been yearning to catch up with for a while. We skipped meditating for wonderful conversation, swapping advice and insight on important life issues. In fact, as so often happens, I got just the guidance I needed just when I needed it!

Then I had the honor of giving Reiki to a client. As so often happens, the advice she came out of the session with for herself inspired me as well--"You Define You" and "The more you believe in the You you are seeking to create, the more you will be that person, AND the more others will treat you that way too!"

Sometimes I find I don't follow the cues in my path. I resist the flow of energy leading me from one place to the next in life. I think I know a better way. I am now ready to let go of resisting the gifts and guidance that so often seem to flow intuitively and miraculously into my life, as if from above, and welcome them with open arms.

In celebration of this month's theme, at the same time, I am grateful for the gifts I gained when I have tried to control life's flow. These gifts included a feeling of comfort, safety or control (whether it was true or not)--things I have definitely needed at different times in my life.

Today I am also grateful today for new insights, the amazing people whose lives have touched my own, beautiful snowy paths to walk, new discoveries through the eyes of my child, the birthday of the man I love, and a burning in my heart that just won't "shush!"

What are you ready to let go of in your life? What gifts have you gained from the past? What are you grateful for? Ask yourself Today.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Happy December! We Celebrate Letting Go With Gratitude

Each month on our website www.dreamcatching.net, we celebrate a new topic related to creating the lives of our dreams. As I thought about a theme for December, two themes kept coming to mind. And so, in the season of abundance of giving—I offer you a two-for-one special!

The first theme of December is Gratitude. The second theme is Clearing Out and Letting Go. Everything that has ever happened to us and everything we have filled our lives up with up to this point—be they thoughts, patterns, possessions, beliefs, relationships, you name it!—always offers us positive gifts. The more grateful we are for these gifts, the easier it is to release what has been and bring our energy back to the present—creating more to be grateful about in the here and now. With the New Year just around the corner, now is a great time to make room for those dreams about to come true!

Happy Holidays everyone! As we each give ourselves the gifts of self-acceptance and nurturing self-care, we spread peace throughout the universe. Namaste.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Getting Back In Balance

One of my dearest friends called me today. She said she's been working so hard, she sits in her computer chair at 6:30 a.m. in the morning and doesn't get up again until she has to pick her kids up from school at 3:00 p.m. She works in her own business, and while she finds her work exciting, her life has been feeling out of balance. I knew exactly what she meant--'out of balance' is a place I seem to visit often this time of year.

Yesterday, however, she said, she had to change her routine because of a dentist appointment. The shift was just what she needed. She found herself making time, not just for the appointment, but also to go to the gym and work out. Sometimes, the start of self-care is starting small--doing that one thing that, if it had a voice, would be screaming at us--"do me, do me, stop neglecting me!"

With one shift, one small change in routine, we often get a second wind, new perspective or an uncanny idea on how we can do more--more for ourselves, more self-care. If you're finding yourself overwhelmed, be it with the holiday rush or business as usual, ask yourself, "What one small thing can I do for me today?" and see where it takes you!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Opportunity Is Knocking!

Today as I walked along the river, I felt as if I was being blown from one direction to the next just as the wind was blowing about the autumn leaves. Life has recently sent me several new opportunities. I realized that as I was evaluating the choices, I was feeling pulled, tugged in each possible direction as I tried each on for size.

I have found, in my own life, that the more positive I am in my outlook of the world, the more opportunity knocks. The more opportunity knocks, the stronger we need to be in our core, not just so we continue to magnetize opportunities aligned with who we are, but also so we know which knocks to answer, opening ourselves and our lives wide!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Listen, My Friend, to You!

Sometimes I find myself getting angry with those I care about when they don’t listen to me the way I want them to. How often do we turn away when someone is speaking with us, or interrupt, sending the message that what we have to say is more important? I know I do.

Usually our irritations at the outer world are signals from our truest selves. What we believe we need from others is really what our souls need from us. The greatest way to change our world is to give our inner selves some undivided attention.

Listening to ourselves and our deepest yearnings, even if what our souls are saying makes us feel uncomfortable, or is a request for something we’re not sure we can give—that, I believe, is what true self-care is all about.

Sometime today, sit in silence. Come without expectations, without a goal. Simply sit. Listen. And see what your soul is saying to you.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Pampering Ourselves

Long solo walks on windswept beaches, a sunny nook--just me and my book, a hot bath with floating candles, a long bike ride--hands off the handles.

When I think of pampering myself, giving myself exactly what I desire most, these are just a few of the delights that come to mind.

Lying on the earth--soaking up the sun, a kayak paddle just for fun. Laughing, playing hide n seek, an evening with the man I love, no words to speak.

What pleasures make your soul sing, your heart warm and your life feel more complete? What would it take to treat yourself to at least one? Today.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Giving Thanks

I used to think giving thanks was a passive event--sitting around a big table, bowing my head and remembering all that is good and well in my life. Now I believe that is only the beginning.

On this day of giving thanks, let it not just be one of reflection, but one of action. A day of activating all that is out of alignment in our lives and bringing ourselves back, gradually, gently and effortlessly to all that we are--so what we are grateful for lives and breathes in all we do.

May your day be filled with many blessings, and may you be aware of what a blessing your life is to those on earth.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What Do You Love?

What do you love? What brings you passion? What makes you feel more gloriously alive than anything else? What makes your heart beat harder, your soul open wide and takes you to a place where you're sure no one has ever gone before?

Whatever that is, find it. Do it. Living your passion and being the person you are in those moments is the greatest form of self-care there is.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Have The Courage To Be You

When we hide behind some semblance of what we think is right or will be accepted, we are often sorely disappointed with our lives. We might feel safe. But there's another part of us--the truth within--that doesn't feel safe at all.

When it comes to true self-care, one of the greatest things we can do for ourselves is to stop hiding and really be the amazing wonderful people we are. When we do this, we give others the benefit of getting to know the "real us"!

May you move forward on your path today with real, honest intention.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Be Your Own Best Friend

When it comes to friends, sometimes it helps to have one yipping at our heels, keeping us on course, reminding us of what we want in life and cheering us on as we get it. Other times it helps to have a friend simply listen without judgment and be there as we talk—often discovering what our soul is trying to tell us as we do. Other times, the greatest thing a friend can do is to let us be, to give us space and freedom so we can relax, breathe and be alone, discovering the strength we have within.

As we celebrate self-care this month, we also celebrate the journey toward becoming our own best friends. Ask yourself what you really need most. Is it keeping your commitment to yourself and doing that one thing you said you would? Is it listening to your own yearnings and honoring them even if they take you in a new direction? Is giving yourself space and permission to rest and relax?

This weekend, be a pal and give yourself what you need—whatever it is. You’re worth it!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Giving Yourself Friends

Every major leap I've ever taken in life has been, in part, thanks to the support of a network of friends who were "watching my back" at the time.

When I went skydiving--a feat that terrified and exhilarated me--it was my brothers I called soon after safely landing. When I was ready to birth my first book, it was a beautiful circle of nine soul sisters representing every different aspect of my life who acted as midwives. When I went on a three-month cross-country trip with my husband and left everything that was familiar to live out of the back of our car, it was a network of fellow yoga students who were able to give me the send-off I needed most.

Only recently have I recognized that being a good friend isn't so much about what we do to help another as it is our willingness to let another into the very depths of our soul. When we trust the universe enough to be honest and vulnerable, we give the greatest gift we can possibly give.

To ourselves, this gift is the opportunity to receive real, honest love. To others, the gift is an invitation--if they choose to accept--to also be equally honest, vulnerable and real with us.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Awaken To Your Desires

Sometimes the greatest way we can demonstrate love for ourselves is by separating from others, establishing good healthy boundaries and tuning within. True fulfillment comes when we can stand on our own two feet and be clear about who we are and what we want with this lifetime.

Rather than doing for others, we create space in which we can hear more clearly what it is, exactly, that our souls want us to do for us. As we care for ourselves in this way, we care for others too by giving them the space and freedom in which to awaken to their own true yearnings burning within.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Loving What Is

When I think of all the people I’ve admired most, the ones that really stand out are those who seem to really like themselves. These are the ones who have a softness about them—a simple, gentle power. They seem to laugh a lot, laughter woven throughout their words as if life is a really fun place to be.

It is natural to want to change things, to make the world or even ourselves a bit better. Yet, the ironic thing is that the only way to change is through acceptance. When we wrap ourselves in a loving celebration of all that is, those quiet places within us that we yearned to make different suddenly begin transmuting themselves, without any additional interference from us.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Receiving Love

What if every thought, good deed or loving emotion you've ever had were coming back to you right now? What would it feel like to receive all that good will you've sent out into the universe, returning to you multiplied?

I have discovered that any problem we have--however seemingly minor or insurmountable--can be overcome through the simple act of loving. Loving ourselves is believing there is good in the universe and welcoming it into the depths of our being as a gift for ourselves.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Celebrate Your Beauty

Today I felt my energy drop as I was plowing through a huge pile of filing. I stopped what I was doing, took a nice deep breath and asked my soul--"Why?"

In the silence, I heard an inner voice berating me about how I ever let the pile get so high in the first place. Thankfully, a much wiser aspect of self quickly stepped forward to make things right. She had a lot to say about how incredible it was that I was actually getting through that filing (especially on such a beautiful day) at all!

I have found that most of us don't appreciate how great the feats are that we are achieving. Whether it's a new skill or habit we've mastered, a dream we've made come true, or simply the miracle of our bodies, we are each more amazing than any of us know. One of the most important steps in making our dreams come true is celebrating our pure potential, and how far each of us has already come.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Simple and Happy

When we're filled with a passion for what we're doing, and a genuine desire to give of ourselves, I believe we can't help but feel abundant.

The harder I work to achieve something, the more I feel like I am going round and round in circles. When I let go of what I think I "should" be doing and take time out to discover what my heart wants me to do instead, and do just that with a genuine spirit of giving--I remember how simple happy can be.

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Power Of Play

Some days, the most productive thing we can do toward making our dreams come true is to take a day off! Rather than scurrying busily in some direction opposite to where our souls want us to go, we rest. Instead of working, we play.

And when the day is done, more often than not we have renewed energy, clarity and inspiration to move forward to where we're being called to go. Play is one of the most underestimated steps in making our dreams come true. So take a day off, and celebrate what happens when you do. Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Making Space For The New

When we find ourselves ready to make a change, the quickest way to begin is to start making space. This means letting go, one by one, of those things that no longer serve us, to make room for that which does.

Moving the physical is a great way of doing this. Oftetimes, however, the physical isn't what's really in the way of us manifesting the new. It's what the physical symbolizes that's filling up our lives.

When we have the willingness to examine all of it--what we view as "right" and "wrong", how we prefer to be perceived by others, even our yearning for certain emotions over others--we allow ourselves the luxury of disengaging and disentangling from that which no longer fits to make room for who we really are.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Life's Little Tests

I have found that life frequently sends little buggers our way just when we're ready to let go of an old pattern, once and for all, and move into brand new terrain.

I used to look at these tests--be they in the form of people who bug us, patterns that reappear or situations that bring out our worst--as big, fat nuisances.

I'm finally at a point in my life where, in spite of myself, I'm learning to be grateful for experiences like these for the gifts they bring. The greatest of all these gifts is the opportunity to recognize that we are always responding to the challenges before us in new ways, whether we realize it or not.

Change doesn't happen in leaps and bounds, but rather second by second. In each second, we are different than the person we were the second before. Nature teaches us that we are constantly undergoing thousands of little deaths, and with each death, something within us is born anew.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy November! We Celebrate Self-Care!

Each month, on our website www.dreamcatching.net, we celebrate a new topic related to making our dreams come true.

In November, we focus on the beauty of SELF-CARE. At a time when many of us are gearing up to celebrate the holidays, and at the same time are adjusting to less sunlight, it can be extremely helpful to remember to do what we can to keep our own inner light bright. The more we care for ourselves, the more energy we have to share with the world.

Celebrate yourself this month and give yourself lots of sweet and nurturing care!


Who Do You Want To Be?

I've always had a sense of the type of person I want to be when I'm nearing the time to lose this earth--in my vision I'm the ripe old age of 107, more or less. Among other things, as an old woman, I'm very peaceful, leading a simple life, confident and completely comfortable with doing things the way that feels just right to me--regardless of what other people think.

While 107 is still a long way off, after a recent birthday, it occured to me that it's closer today than ever before! Maybe the time to start being that person, then, is now.

Often our dreams come true when we make the simple decision that we no longer want them to be dreams, we want them to be reality. And we're ready. Today.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Trust Your Emotions

All the turning points I have ever experienced in my life have come after moments of clear honesty with myself or at least one other person about something that didn't "feel" quite right.

Hitting rock bottom isn't necessarily what it takes to make a change. Knowing you've hit rock bottom, you're feeling angry, bored, unsettled, disappointed, impatient, glum, or whatever it is for you, and having the courage to look that emotion in the eye, I believe, is really the first step.

All emotions offer gifts--even the ones we don't like so much. If we have the courage to receive them, they can liberate us far beyond anything else life offers. From being honest about our feelings comes the inability to pretend any longer, and the power to finally do something about whatever it is they are trying to say.

Friday, October 28, 2005

A Brighter View

Our experiences in life often have more to do with the stories we're telling ourselves inside our heads than anything else. When it seems as if we've come upon an impasse, or as if "they" are in our way, it can be helpful to ask ourselves if there might, just might, be another way to see what we are assuming is truth.

Our perception of others as judgmental might be instead that they communicate differently than us. Obstacles may simply be a delay so all the details of a future miracle have time to line up perfectly. Silence of a loved one or dear friend may mean they are just waiting for the perfect time to show how much they care.

What inner "truths" would help your perception of reality look a little brighter?

Thursday, October 27, 2005


When I watch my toddler son learn new skills, I'm reminded how he always does it through trial and error. First he tries this, then that, until finally he finds something that works. He takes that one tiny learning forward and graduallly, inch by inch, he's soon mastered something phenomenal.

In the same way, when we're striving to change our lives as adults, it's nice to remember that if today, we learn one small thing and adopt it into our arsenal, we're on our way.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Creating Beauty

We often think of successful endeavors as the product of lots of action, drive and hard work.

Great works, however, also come when we have cultivated a sensitivity to the nature of energy. As we sense energy building, growing into a new form, we wait, watch and listen.

When we have the courage to wait as the thing takes form, letting the creation guide us rather than the other way around, we are often amazed at what can be birthed through us.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Flooding Abundance

They say the key to manifesting abundance is the willingness to receive as well as give.

As I watch river waters flooding with all the rain we've had lately, I can't help but think it's not just being open to the wealth heading our way that's important, but having a place to put it all.

When we don't just receive, but cherish, care for and nourish all the treasures life brings us, we don't have to worry so much about grasping more, more, more--instead we can experience the joy of watching what we've already been given grow.

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Secret Of Success

The more committed I am to learning through the act of teaching, the more students I seem to magnetize.

The more committed I am to giving, the more I am gaining.

The more committed I am to loving, the more loved I feel.

I am slowly learning that possibilities really are infinite when we're humble enough to be willing business partners with the divine.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Accept Where You Are

The point of departure for making our passions come true is always in the present moment.

When we have the courage to see our lives as they truly are, with open eyes--accepting whatever it is we see with compassion and gratitude--that's when things really start to happen.

Acceptance: True, honest acceptance is always at the root of powerful change.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Choose To Believe

Sometimes all we need to make the energy in our lives shift is to choose to believe that everything is happening just as it should.

Judging or striving to "make something happen" gives way and acceptance steps into its place. Loving the Now becomes our operating focus, giving us a new source of energy.

We are carried forward to a place more aligned with our spirit than ever before.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Soften Your Hold

When we reach for something better, sometimes we hold too tightly to our dreams, our wishes, our old way of doing things.

When we choose to instead trust that our intentions will be manifested easily, effortlessly and joyfully--not only does our grasp softens, making the room for miracles to happen, life also becomes a lot more fun!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Make "You" Happy

When we stop worrying about what others think, when we stop trying to please “them”—we become freed once more to please ourselves.

By bringing our energies in from external sources and centering them within, we once more have all we need to create the lives our souls want us to have—and so much more.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Be In The Now

The best way to attract what we seek is to be where we are.

We can yearn, we can strive, we can desire. And then, there comes the time to return home--to root, to kiss the ground and be grateful as we wait for all the wishes we have cast to fall lovingly into our net from a greater source.

The more we are here now and grateful for all the magnificent good in this moment, the more we attract miracles wherever we go.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Have The Courage To Let Go

Making our dreams come true is often more about letting go than taking any grand action.

When we have the courage to let go of anything standing in our way--and that includes the dreams we could make come true (if we worked hard enough), those we think we "should" make come true, or any other distraction taking our energy--and choose instead to honor the unique dream our soul wants more than anything in the world, life becomes magical.

Letting the rest all fall away, the light from within guides us home!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Enjoy The Adventure

Life is an adventure, one led by a very wise tour guide.

If we don't yet have what we are seeking, we can pretty well be sure that we are being prepared for it or something better to come our way.

Best thing to do is to open to the experience, sit back and enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Open To A Greater Flow

Letting go usually doesn't require effort, sweat and toil but rather opening to a great force waiting to do the work for us.

Cleansing happens when flood waters rise and wash away anything not rooted deep enough to stay. We simply have to open to its flow.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Make Space For What's Next

Sometimes when I look around, I realize that all this "stuff" is taking up space I could be using for something else.

That prompts me to ask the question: "If not this, then what?"

If everything is a choice--my thoughts, my possessions, my beliefs--then letting go then becomes not time for grief but for celebrating what's to come.